aiocouchdb 0.9.0-dev documentation


Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 Alexander Shorin
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.

import asyncio

__all__ = (

[docs]class DatabaseSecurity(object): """Provides set of methods to work with :ref:`database security API <api/db/security>`. Should be used via :attr:` <>` property.""" def __init__(self, resource): self.resource = resource('_security') def __repr__(self): return '<{}.{}({}) object at {}>'.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__qualname__, self.resource.url, hex(id(self))) @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def get(self, *, auth=None): """`Returns database security object`_. :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :rtype: dict .. _Returns database security object: """ resp = yield from self.resource.get(auth=auth) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() secobj = (yield from resp.json()) if not secobj: secobj = { 'admins': { 'names': [], 'roles': [] }, 'members': { 'names': [], 'roles': [] } } return secobj
[docs] def update(self, *, auth=None, admins=None, members=None, merge=False): """`Updates database security object`_. :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param dict admins: Mapping of administrators users/roles :param dict members: Mapping of members users/roles :param bool merge: Merges admins/members mappings with existed ones when is ``True``, otherwise replaces them with the given :rtype: dict .. _Updates database security object: """ secobj = yield from self.get(auth=auth) for role, section in [('admins', admins), ('members', members)]: if section is None: continue if merge: for key, group in section.items(): items = secobj[role][key] for item in group: if item in items: continue items.append(item) else: secobj[role].update(section) resp = yield from self.resource.put(auth=auth, data=secobj) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() return (yield from resp.json())
[docs] def update_admins(self, *, auth=None, names=None, roles=None, merge=False): """Helper for :meth:`~aiocouchdb.v1.database.Security.update` method to update only database administrators leaving members as is. :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param list names: List of user names :param list roles: List of role names :param bool merge: Merges user/role lists with existed ones when is ``True``, otherwise replaces them with the given :rtype: dict """ admins = { 'names': [] if names is None else names, 'roles': [] if roles is None else roles } return self.update(auth=auth, admins=admins, merge=merge)
[docs] def update_members(self, *, auth=None, names=None, roles=None, merge=False): """Helper for :meth:`~aiocouchdb.v1.database.Security.update` method to update only database members leaving administrators as is. :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param list names: List of user names :param list roles: List of role names :param bool merge: Merges user/role lists with existed ones when is ``True``, otherwise replaces them with the given :rtype: dict """ members = { 'names': [] if names is None else names, 'roles': [] if roles is None else roles } return self.update(auth=auth, members=members, merge=merge)
