aiocouchdb 0.9.0-dev documentation



Source code for aiocouchdb.v1.designdoc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Alexander Shorin
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.

import asyncio

from aiocouchdb.client import Resource
from aiocouchdb.views import View

from .document import Document

__all__ = (

[docs]class DesignDocument(object): """Implementation of :ref:`CouchDB Design Document API <api/ddoc>`.""" #: Default :class:`~aiocouchdb.v1.document.Document` instance class. document_class = Document #: :class:`Views requesting helper <aiocouchdb.views.Views>` view_class = View def __init__(self, url_or_resource, *, docid=None, document_class=None, view_class=None): if document_class is not None: self.document_class = document_class if isinstance(url_or_resource, str): url_or_resource = Resource(url_or_resource) if view_class is not None: self.view_class = view_class self.resource = url_or_resource self._document = self.document_class(self.resource, docid=docid) def __getitem__(self, attname): return self._document[attname] def __repr__(self): return '<{}.{}({}) object at {}>'.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__qualname__, self.resource.url, hex(id(self))) @property
[docs] def id(self): """Returns a document id specified in class constructor.""" return
[docs] def name(self): """Returns a document id specified in class constructor.""" docid = if docid is not None and '/' in docid: return docid.split('/', 1)[1] return None
[docs] def doc(self): """Returns :class:`~aiocouchdb.v1.designdoc.DesignDocument.document_class` instance to operate with design document as with regular CouchDB document. :rtype: :class:`~aiocouchdb.v1.document.Document` """ return self._document
[docs] def info(self, *, auth=None): """:ref:`Returns view index information <api/ddoc/info>`. :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :rtype: dict """ resp = yield from self.resource.get('_info', auth=auth) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() return (yield from resp.json())
@asyncio.coroutine # pylint: disable=W0142, W0612, W0622
[docs] def list(self, # pylint: disable=W0613, R0914 list_name, view_name=None, *keys, auth=None, headers=None, data=None, params=None, format=None, att_encoding_info=None, attachments=None, conflicts=None, descending=None, endkey=..., endkey_docid=None, group=None, group_level=None, include_docs=None, inclusive_end=None, limit=None, reduce=None, skip=None, stale=None, startkey=..., startkey_docid=None, update_seq=None): """Calls a :ref:`list function <api/ddoc/list>` and returns a raw response object. :param str list_name: List function name :param str view_name: View function name :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param dict headers: Additional request headers :param data: Request payload :param dict params: Additional request query parameters :param str format: List function output format For other parameters see :meth:`aiocouchdb.v1.designdoc.DesignDocument.view` method docstring. :rtype: :class:`~aiocouchdb.client.HttpResponse` """ assert headers is None or isinstance(headers, dict) assert params is None or isinstance(params, dict) assert data is None or isinstance(data, dict) view_params = locals() for key in ('self', 'list_name', 'view_name', 'auth', 'headers', 'data', 'params'): view_params.pop(key) view_params, data = self.view_class.handle_keys_param(view_params, data) view_params = self.view_class.prepare_params(view_params) if params is None: params = view_params else: params.update(view_params) method = 'GET' if data is None else 'POST' path = ['_list', list_name] if view_name: path.extend(view_name.split('/', 1)) resp = yield from self.resource(*path).request(method, auth=auth, data=data, params=params, headers=headers) return resp
[docs] def rewrite(self, *path, auth=None, method=None, headers=None, data=None, params=None): """Requests :ref:`rewrite <api/ddoc/rewrite>` resource and returns a raw response object. :param str path: Request path by segments :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param str method: HTTP request method :param dict headers: Additional request headers :param data: Request payload :param dict params: Additional request query parameters :rtype: :class:`~aiocouchdb.client.HttpResponse` """ if method is None: method = 'GET' if data is None else 'POST' resp = yield from self.resource('_rewrite', *path).request( method, auth=auth, data=data, params=params, headers=headers) return resp
@asyncio.coroutine # pylint: disable=W0622
[docs] def show(self, show_name, docid=None, *, auth=None, method=None, headers=None, data=None, params=None, format=None): """Calls a :ref:`show function <api/ddoc/show>` and returns a raw response object. :param str show_name: Show function name :param str docid: Document ID :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param str method: HTTP request method :param dict headers: Additional request headers :param data: Request payload :param dict params: Additional request query parameters :param str format: Show function output format :rtype: :class:`~aiocouchdb.client.HttpResponse` """ assert headers is None or isinstance(headers, dict) assert params is None or isinstance(params, dict) if method is None: method = 'GET' if data is None else 'POST' if format is not None: if params is None: params = {} assert 'format' not in params params['format'] = format path = ['_show', show_name] if docid is not None: path.append(docid) resp = yield from self.resource(*path).request(method, auth=auth, data=data, params=params, headers=headers) return resp
[docs] def update(self, update_name, docid=None, *, auth=None, method=None, headers=None, data=None, params=None): """Calls a :ref:`show function <api/ddoc/update>` and returns a raw response object. :param str update_name: Update function name :param str docid: Document ID :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param str method: HTTP request method :param dict headers: Additional request headers :param data: Request payload :param dict params: Additional request query parameters :rtype: :class:`~aiocouchdb.client.HttpResponse` """ assert headers is None or isinstance(headers, dict) assert params is None or isinstance(params, dict) if method is None: method = 'POST' if docid is None else 'PUT' path = ['_update', update_name] if docid is not None: path.append(docid) resp = yield from self.resource(*path).request(method, auth=auth, data=data, params=params, headers=headers) return resp
@asyncio.coroutine # pylint: disable=W0142, W0612, W0622
[docs] def view(self, # pylint: disable=W0613, R0914 view_name, *keys, auth=None, feed_buffer_size=None, att_encoding_info=None, attachments=None, conflicts=None, descending=None, endkey=..., endkey_docid=None, group=None, group_level=None, include_docs=None, inclusive_end=None, limit=None, reduce=None, skip=None, stale=None, startkey=..., startkey_docid=None, update_seq=None): """Queries a :ref:`stored view <api/ddoc/view>` by the name with the specified parameters. :param str view_name: Name of view stored in the related design document :param str keys: List of view index keys to fetch. This method is smart enough to use `GET` or `POST` request depending on amount of ``keys`` :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param int feed_buffer_size: Internal buffer size for fetched feed items :param bool att_encoding_info: Includes encoding information in an attachment stubs :param bool attachments: Includes attachments content into documents. **Warning**: use with caution! :param bool conflicts: Includes conflicts information into documents :param bool descending: Return rows in descending by key order :param endkey: Stop fetching rows when the specified key is reached :param str endkey_docid: Stop fetching rows when the specified document ID is reached :param bool group: Reduces the view result grouping by unique keys :param int group_level: Reduces the view result grouping the keys with defined level :param str include_docs: Include document body for each row :param bool inclusive_end: When ``False``, doesn't includes ``endkey`` in returned rows :param int limit: Limits the number of the returned rows by the specified number :param bool reduce: Defines is the reduce function needs to be applied or not :param int skip: Skips specified number of rows before starting to return the actual result :param str stale: Allow to fetch the rows from a stale view, without triggering index update. Supported values: ``ok`` and ``update_after`` :param startkey: Return rows starting with the specified key :param str startkey_docid: Return rows starting with the specified document ID :param bool update_seq: Include an ``update_seq`` value into view results header :rtype: :class:`aiocouchdb.feeds.ViewFeed` """ params = locals() for key in ('self', 'auth', 'feed_buffer_size', 'view_name'): params.pop(key) view = self.view_class(self.resource('_view', view_name)) return (yield from view.request(auth=auth, feed_buffer_size=feed_buffer_size, params=params))
