aiocouchdb 0.8.0 documentation



Source code for aiocouchdb.v1.attachment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Alexander Shorin
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.

import asyncio
import base64
from io import RawIOBase

from aiocouchdb.client import Resource, HttpStreamResponse
from aiocouchdb.hdrs import (

__all__ = (

[docs]class Attachment(object): """Implementation of :ref:`CouchDB Attachment API <api/doc/attachment>`.""" def __init__(self, url_or_resource, *, name=None): if isinstance(url_or_resource, str): url_or_resource = Resource(url_or_resource) self.resource = url_or_resource self._name = name def __repr__(self): return '<{}.{}({}) object at {}>'.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__qualname__, self.resource.url, hex(id(self))) @property def name(self): return self._name @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def exists(self, rev=None, *, auth=None): """Checks if `attachment exists`_. Assumes success on receiving response with `200 OK` status. :param str rev: Document revision :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :rtype: bool .. _attachment exists: """ params = {} if rev is not None: params['rev'] = rev resp = yield from self.resource.head(auth=auth, params=params) yield from return resp.status == 200
[docs] def modified(self, digest, *, auth=None): """Checks if `attachment was modified`_ by known MD5 digest. :param bytes digest: Attachment MD5 digest. Optionally, may be passed in base64 encoding form :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :rtype: bool .. _attachment was modified: """ if isinstance(digest, bytes): if len(digest) != 16: raise ValueError('MD5 digest has 16 bytes') digest = base64.b64encode(digest).decode() elif isinstance(digest, str): if not (len(digest) == 24 and digest.endswith('==')): raise ValueError('invalid base64 encoded MD5 digest') else: raise TypeError('invalid `digest` type {}, bytes or str expected' ''.format(type(digest))) qdigest = '"%s"' % digest resp = yield from self.resource.head(auth=auth, headers={IF_NONE_MATCH: qdigest}) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() yield from return resp.status != 304
[docs] def accepts_range(self, rev=None, *, auth=None): """Returns ``True`` if attachments accepts bytes range requests. :param str rev: Document revision :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :rtype: bool """ params = {} if rev is not None: params['rev'] = rev resp = yield from self.resource.head(auth=auth, params=params) yield from return resp.headers.get(ACCEPT_RANGES) == 'bytes'
@asyncio.coroutine # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
[docs] def get(self, rev=None, *, auth=None, range=None): """`Returns an attachment`_ reader object. :param str rev: Document revision :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param slice range: Bytes range. Could be :func:`slice` or two-element iterable object like :class:`list` etc or just :func:`int` :rtype: :class:`~aiocouchdb.v1.attachments.AttachmentReader` .. _Returns an attachment: """ headers = {} params = {} if rev is not None: params['rev'] = rev if range is not None: if isinstance(range, slice): start, stop = range.start, range.stop elif isinstance(range, int): start, stop = 0, range else: start, stop = range headers[RANGE] = 'bytes={}-{}'.format(start or 0, stop) resp = yield from self.resource.get(auth=auth, headers=headers, params=params, response_class=HttpStreamResponse) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() return AttachmentReader(resp)
[docs] def update(self, fileobj, *, auth=None, content_encoding=None, content_type='application/octet-stream', rev=None): """`Attaches a file`_ to document. :param file fileobj: File object, should be readable :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :param str content_encoding: Content encoding: ``gzip`` or ``identity`` :param str content_type: Attachment :mimetype:`Content-Type` header :param str rev: Document revision :rtype: dict .. _Attaches a file: """ assert hasattr(fileobj, 'read') params = {} if rev is not None: params['rev'] = rev headers = { CONTENT_TYPE: content_type } if content_encoding is not None: headers[CONTENT_ENCODING] = content_encoding resp = yield from self.resource.put(auth=auth, data=fileobj, headers=headers, params=params) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() return (yield from resp.json())
[docs] def delete(self, rev, *, auth=None): """`Deletes an attachment`_. :param str rev: Document revision :param auth: :class:`aiocouchdb.authn.AuthProvider` instance :rtype: dict .. _Deletes an attachment: """ resp = yield from self.resource.delete(auth=auth, params={'rev': rev}) yield from resp.maybe_raise_error() return (yield from resp.json())
[docs]class AttachmentReader(RawIOBase): """Attachment reader implements :class:`io.RawIOBase` interface with the exception that all I/O bound methods are coroutines.""" def __init__(self, resp): super().__init__() self._resp = resp
[docs] def close(self): """Closes attachment reader and underlying connection. This method has no effect if the attachment is already closed. """ if not self.closed: self._resp.close()
[docs] def closed(self): """Return a bool indicating whether object is closed.""" return self._resp.content.at_eof()
[docs] def readable(self): """Return a bool indicating whether object was opened for reading.""" return True
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): """Read and return up to n bytes, where `size` is an :func:`int`. Returns an empty bytes object on EOF, or None if the object is set not to block and has no data to read. """ return (yield from
[docs] def readall(self, size=8192): """Read until EOF, using multiple :meth:`read` call.""" acc = bytearray() while not self.closed: acc.extend((yield from return acc
[docs] def readline(self): """Read and return a line of bytes from the stream. If limit is specified, at most limit bytes will be read. Limit should be an :func:`int`. The line terminator is always ``b'\\n'`` for binary files; for text files, the newlines argument to open can be used to select the line terminator(s) recognized. """ return (yield from self._resp.content.readline())
[docs] def readlines(self, hint=None): """Return a list of lines from the stream. `hint` can be specified to control the number of lines read: no more lines will be read if the total size (in bytes/characters) of all lines so far exceeds `hint`. """ if hint is None or hint <= 0: acc = [] while not self.closed: line = yield from self.readline() if line: acc.append(line) return acc read = 0 acc = [] while not self.closed: line = yield from self.readline() if not line: continue acc.append(line) read += len(line) if read >= hint: break return acc
